Our intrepid adventurers are officially on day two of their voyage to South Georgia Island. It's a long way to their destination, but it's an exciting route.
They have made it to the open sea by now, but their seafaring journey from Ushuaia began in a very cool and unbelievably gorgeous waterway called the Beagle Channel. At it's narrowest point the channel is just over three miles wide, and its 150 miles of length form a very scenic route between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

The channel draws its name from the British Royal Navy ship the HMS Beagle, which conducted a hydrographic survey of southern South America between 1826-30. During the voyage the famous caption Robert FitzRoy assumed control of the mission following the suicide of the previous captain.

Three years later FitzRoy returned to the Beagle Channel while once again captaining the Beagle. This time he had an even more famous historical figure onboard, Charles Darwin, who came along as a self-funded supernumerary. Darwin was struck by the sublime beauty of the Tierra del Fuego region, writing in his field notebook that "it is scarcely possible to imagine anything more beautiful than the beryl-like blue of these glaciers, and especially as contrasted with the dead white of the upper expanse of snow."
Check back tomorrow for tales of Shackleton's voyage from nearly 11 decades ago!