Team Ski Strap:
"James here again! We've finished day 20 and covered our largest distance yet, 16 miles. Starting out at -13 F, we enjoyed amazing sunshine all day, little wind, and as the day progressed it got warmer and warmer. It's probably been our best day out in the seemingly endless sastrugi.
If you want an idea of what it's like skiing through sastrugi, picture yourself skiing, pulling two heavy sleds over a very rocky, undulating shoreline covered in ice and snow. Now do that for around 60 miles over 4 days and that's what we've experienced so far. It shows no sign of ending but we are steadily descending and getting even closer to our goal in what has been perfect weather conditions."
Team Cocoa-Motive:
"This morning started with a loud cry from the other tent- "Happy Birthday, Joe!" It was Monet, waking us all up and reminding us that today is a special day. And what a day it was. Sunny, mostly calm and so so so much sastrugi! How many people get to celebrate their birthdays on the Greenland ice cap?
Joe thought it was fun, for the first 10 minutes of weaving in and out of bumps. Nine hours later, not so much! But some of the sastrugi is sculpted by the wind in such a way with arches and capes that it is hard not to stop and be amazed. All day we wove our way around and over bumps. Bruce lifted his drone up in the air for a birds-eye view on one of our breaks.
When we finally made camp, Monet and Joe invited all of us over for a party. They made a snow sculpture at the entrance (blocks of snow piled on each other) and inside we had three stoves running for hot drinks, cheesy fried bread, dehy dinners, and snacks. Trudi thoughtfully contributed some whiskey and we all had a round in her honor and to celebrate Joe's birthday. It burned so bad on cracked lips! Joe and Annie recited the Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert Service and a good time was had by all.
Now we are back in our tents, in our sleeping bags, and ready for bed! Goodnight!" -Update from Annie
Happy Birthday Joe!