Today is a special day. It's special because last night the sun set at the North Pole and it won't rise again until late March. The North Pole has entered astronomical twilight and is on its way towards the polar night.
It's a time of transition, from the long days of summer that are jam-packed with activities towards a slower, more deliberate quieting of the body and soul; an embrace of the long nights of winter and all things cozy. It's a time for rest & rejuvenation; a time to celebrate the simple joys in life that bring comfort. A time for community.
Our community includes many friends and colleagues in the Nordic countries and they refer to this as "Hygge" (how to pronounce) which means a "quality of coziness and conviviality that engenders a feeling of well-being". The tradition of Hygge has been around for centuries (the word stems from the 1500's) but the concept has had a cultural rebirth in recent years, even being listed by Collins English Dictionary as a runner-up to "Brexit" for Word Of The Year in 2016.
I like to think of this transition as "Wintering" which for me means embracing the cold, leaning-in to the long nights and making the most of the best parts of winter; skiing, camping; skating, sledding, campfires, hot cocoa, good books, warm sweaters and family.
If you're like me and you're ready to lean-in to winter we've got you covered. Join us for a Winter Escape Weekend at our very own La Bri Lodge in the Northwoods of Wisconsin (info coming soon); sharpen your winter camping skills at our Polar Shakedown Training, or dive deep into your polar preparations on our Polar Training Plus. If your idea of embracing the season is heading somewhere warm, consider an adventure in the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands or Belize with our sister-company The Northwest Passage.
Today is indeed a special day, one that I will celebrate with my family and a few neighbors. Even though we're in the mid-latitudes we'll say goodbye to the polar sun and light a candle to say hello to the season of Hygge. How will you celebrate? I'd love to hear from you.