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The Iceland Crossing Has Begun

We are happy to report that the Iceland Team is finally on skis and making their way across the Vatnajokull Glacier. Yesterday, they were picked up at 6AM at their hotel in Reykjavik, loaded all of their gear into big off-road jeeps and headed toward the Jokulheimar Glacier where they would begin skiing. The 9-hour jeep ride was far from uneventful, as they crossed rough terrain and meltwater rivers, getting stuck multiple times. Ultimately, they were able to drive all the way onto the glacier (which is not always possible) and were positioned exactly where they wanted to start.

With too much pent-up energy to make camp, the team decided to put a few miles behind them and skied until 7PM. The goal is to make it to the Grimsvotn Hut by the end of the day tomorrow, which will be a much more comfortable place to wait out the coming wind.

Check back tomorrow for another update!


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