One exciting final update from Team Cocoa-Motive!
What a day! All of our days have been epic in different ways and today was no different. We camped last night by the edge of a lake that was mostly frozen. Unable to ski across it due to melt by the shorelines, we had to stop. Our tents were up and it was a beautiful night despite a forecast for a wind storm. By morning, the wind had picked up significantly. Our wind meters recorded 25, 30, 35, and then 40 mph winds but at times felt stronger. We were waiting to hear if a helicopter could come to get us despite the wind.
While we waited, we packed up a little and started sorting out all the gear. Then we had a really big gust that flattened three tents in less than 10 seconds. It was crazy, but we managed to catch the tents and pin them down without damaging anything. Then the helicopter came and after checking out the situation by air, it landed nearby. We were thrilled! We carefully carried over all of our gear and loaded it into the chopper despite the strong gusts.
The flight to Tasiilaq was absolutely incredible. Sea ice and icebergs out the window of one side, and mountains and ice cap on the other. All on a crystal clear sunny day, that was also very very windy!
We are now in Tasiilaq where we had our first dinner that did not require an MSD stove and hot water! It was sooo good. We also have beds, toilets, and an electric kettle in our rooms. This is the last night of the expedition. The official end. We are so proud of our team that did an amazing job. We are so proud of our collective and individual accomplishments and successes, and our hard work that has resulted in rewards. This team has been incredible.. So supportive of each other, so hard-working, positive, adaptable, and fun to be with. We have a couple of days together in Tasiilaq where we will dry out our gear, reorganize our stuff, and eat a lot without having to light a stove or add water to a foil pouch. Yes!! That is awesome.
Thank you for following this blog and experiencing part of the journey with us. From Team Cocoa-Motive, we are signing off!
-Update from Annie
Good job everyone!!
Wilfred we are so proud of you!
Great photos!